Monday, January 31, 2011

At the Movies with Aaron and Sal

Tonight's movie was THE KINGS SPEECH. Starring Colin Firth, Helena Botham, Geoffrey Rush and Guy Pearce to name a few.

A special mention to the Indian guy who shared the cinema with us. His performance consisted of a change of seating arrangement at least five (5) times and a excursion out of the cinema at least four (4) times. As to why he was so fidgety I am not sure. Here are a few speculations:

1. Bad Vindaloo curry
2. Worm infestation
3. Heavy smoker
4. Our giggling at his expense offended him
5. Left the kids in the car and had to go check on them
6. Didn’t have a watch so had to go outside to see where the moon was to tell the time
7. Dicky bladder
8. Thought he might see some extra action from us because we were alone in the Cinema
9. Nipped into other Cinema's to check out what they were watching
10. Was in the autodialler for a call centre so had to keep taking phone calls

In the end he had the whole Cinema of chairs to choose from (I mean, literally the WHOLE Cinema apart from the two we had our bums on) and he sat in the same row as us.

All in all I think his performance was brave, not only because he attended a late night movie alone, but because he put up with us sniggering like school kids and digging each other in the ribs whenever he made a move for the door or another seat.

On a brighter note: My legs don’t seem to want to function today, I am not sure if it's fatigue or the after effects of our alcohol consumption last night, but either way, I seriously need a massage.

All that being said, the movie was tremendous.  We both really enjoyed it and others have said that it was really good.. I say go see it, 9 out of 10!

1 comment:

  1. Colin Firth mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....
