Saturday, January 5, 2013

2013 a new year!

Well, I've been a bit slack havent I?

Welcome to 2013...

It seems that the Myans were wrong and the world didn't end on the 21st December..  Good thing I didn't go out and buy a heap of baked beans to prepare for the end of the world, otherwise that is all we would be eating..  Then I would have to buy a Hazmat suit to escape the after effects of beans on Bloke and Bloke Jr - god help me!

2012 bought lots of experiences for me..  Lots of love, lots of laughter and a few tears both happy and sad. 

I only had on relapse which is a bonus, but that was bought on sadly by the miscarriage of our first child..  I then had a further miscarriage and after long discussions we have made the decision to give up on baby making for various reasons.  Mostly because if I cannot guarantee that I can be a mother in the true sense of the word then I don't want to be a Mum.  If I cannot guarantee that I cannot pick up my child or at least have a conversation with it then there is no point.  Additionally, if I relapse badly after childbirth (on advice from my neuro this is highly possible) I could become disabled and I don't want Bloke to have to look after a child as well as a disabled wife, that is not the life I want for him.   So, essentially, we choose quality of life sans children.

Last year also bought us the privlidge of a new home..  Which meant moving yet again, but we think this new home is our "forever home".  We like it here (apart from the 4 yappying dogs next door), its peaceful and I am going to start a new veggie patch as soon as it's cool enough to be able to get out in the garden (it's currently 45 degrees here - sweltering!).

We took a mystery trip to The Grampians and the Great Ocean Road, both places I have never been before and I will admit I was more impressed with The Grampians than the Great Ocean Road.. It's beautiful, don't get me wrong.. But VERY busy and commercialised.

I am sure that 2013 has a lot install for us..  Some more than others..