Sunday, September 5, 2010

Anyone for roast tofu?

Hmmmm yum.. Sounds delicious doesn't it?

I sit here with Mum and Aaron having finished a lovely roast pork dinner with all the trimmings to test the new oven, Mum is reading "Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis" by Professor George Jelinek.

They are reading all about the diet that a person with MS should have. Cut out animal fats, diary products and hidden saturated fats.  He suggests calling yourself a "veggie aquan" or "aqua vegan" so in other words, a vegetarian who eats seafood.  I should not be eating pork (oh whoops!) damnit, damnit, damnit because it's my favorite roast.  Don't get me wrong, I love veggies, and I grow quite a few in my garden, but I am not sure I could go without meat.

So, I need to come to terms with tofu?  How about roast tofu in the shape of a chicken topped with roasted almonds and washed down with red wine. Stuff it, I am just going straight to the red wine. I had tofu in my laksa the other day.  I bought it home and used it to scrub my feet because I had to throw out my pumice stone recently due to an unfortunate incident with a sledge hammer (don't ask). Note to self: buy a new a new pumice stone.

Are they serious? How can they expect a carnivore from a dairy farming family to survive?  No steak? No chicken? Veggie stock instead of chicken/beef stock.. More veggie soups?

On the upside, it does indicate that I should avoid eggs and egg products.. This works to my benefit because I believe that eggs are just wrong because they come out of a chooks arse.  Lets look at it this way... Who on earth was the first person to say "I am gunna eat the first thing that comes out of that birds arse".  So needless to say, I am happy about the "say no to bumnuts" thing.. I'll adhere to that one.

Mother is reading about statistics now.. and I have made one up all on my own.. I would suggest that most of these statistics are particially made up.. So here is mine: 99.8% of MS patients read, so therefore reading is unhealthy.. It makes sense right?  There it is folks, close this blog and don't read it, because it's unhealthy.. You never know where these dirty words have been.. Please ensure that you wash your hands and clean your teeth after reading this blog, just to be sure.

Love you long time......

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