It's currently 0430am. I have been laying in bed for the last 90 minutes (since my last toilet break) composing this blog in my head.. Lets see how I go at remembering what I was ranting about.
I remembered today something that the eye specialist said to me when we were discussing treatment for my latest bout of Optic Neuritis. We were discussing that my previous episode was treated with three (3) days of intensive IV Steroids (of which I cannot remember the name, but I may have blogged that previously). Then home for rest, no further drugs (oral or otherwise).
This time around he put me on IV Steroids as well as a course of oral steroids of the same variety. 100mg a day (4 tablets a day that taste incredibly offensive and make you wanna gag - note to manufacuturer: Please for the love of god try these things before you put them on the market, a little bit of coating wouldn't go astray with these beauties).
Sorry, back to the drugs...
So, whilst I have now been on these for just over a week (started Saturday 30th June 2012) I guess I can start to see the real side effects shining through.
I have a constant horrible taste in my mouth which I would liked to something similar to toilet water. Now, please don't get the impression that I am a regular at drinking out of the toilet bowl, but I would imagine this is what it would taste like if I did.
Additionally, but sense of taste has soured.. I can no longer really taste the food that I am eating.. It is like I am desensitised. Chocolate doesnt have the same taste, I could be eating some kind of inferior chocolate and not even know the difference! Coffee doesnt taste the same and I miss being able to enjoy my morning cup of coffee.
My sense of smell is still good though, I know this because Bloke made a wonderful smelling Prawn Green Curry for dinner tonight, but when I tried it I was desensitised, it didn't have the punch it should have, although I am sure it did taste marvellous (at least he told me it did, so I believe him).
Now, lets talk about bowel movements.. Just for a short time, I won't linger I promise.. But my gut has started to muck up a bit. It's not good, there is lots of gas and there is lots of unpleasant smells and I have been feeling very bloated and uncomfortable within myself.
Yesterday I was helping Bloke and his mate erect a carport off our new shed and I bent down to pick up something and farted.. Now, everyone knows that ladies do not fart (I didnt say I was a lady) but when it comes to doing it in front of Blokes mates I was a little embarrassed.. Fortunately he has a great sense of humor and took the piss out of me.. Crisis averted! Maybe now he will feel comfortable about farting in front of me and we could even have competitions!
Right, whats next? Showers.. Although I dont have sores all over my body, when the hot water hits my skin I do feel as though I do. It's a weird sensation and I am sure it's just the hot water hitting all of my now slightly irritated nerve endings (or whatever) but it is somewhat odd and I havent had that feeling before. I often finding myself checking my skin for sores but find nothing.. My body is playing tricks on my mind.
Sleep... Every friggin 90 minutes (or less) I am up to the toilet. I am sure that I am just getting rid of excess fluid. I have been awake since about 3am this morning.. It's cold and all I want to do is curl up next to Bloke and join his rendition of "The Hills are alive with Snoring" but alas I just lay there thinking about my next blog.. Mind going a million miles an hour. They way I see it, the sooner I am off these drugs the sooner I can have my life back.
Pounding heart and feeling like I have the jitters and hyperactive.. Teamed with a bit of a short fuse. Not good when I am being irritated.
Did I finish the conversation about drugs that I had with the eye specialist? No, I ranted.. Sorry about that.
So, Dr Eye said that he has read some recent testing that indicates that whilst receiving IV Steroid treatment alone is effective, he has read that following that up with a course of Oral Steroid wards off and prolongs future episodes. So hence why he has put me on the orals this time around. I am hoping that I can go another 2 years without another episode, that would be good, great, excellent considering I am one of the lucky MS patients who are not regularily having episodes (like more than 4 times a year).
I have to go back to my GP this coming Friday to discuss what is happening with the Orals.. I am assuming she will start to wein me off them. They are apparently an addictive drug, how anyone could be addicted to a drug that makes you feel like poo all the time is beyond me, but each to their own.
Might be time to try and head back to bed now.. Psycho cat is awake and is channeling Jack Brabham and thinks that the house is now a raceway.. Maybe she is just bouncing around because she knows I cant sleep and I am hyper. The dogs have been barking a bit tonight, there is a sly fox that gets around and I am afraid he stirs up "Dumb and Dumber", fortunately he doesnt seem to linger around for long and they go back into their little beds and curl up with their little heads on their little legs.
That being said I will now have vented this blog and I will think of something else which will mean I will just lay there again thinking.... But maybe this time I will think about what improvements we are going to make in the new house, so far I have already recarpeted the lounge, main bedroom (including walk in robe), considering carpet for in the dining room, but I am not sure (same goes for hallway and front foyer) and the sunroom. The other bedrooms arent too bad carpet wise. I might even pull up the cork tiles in the kitchen and replace them with floating floorboards.
While I am at it, I might rip down the old curtains and put up wooden venetians..
Off to try and sleep now.. Thanks for letting me vent :)
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