Sunday, July 15, 2012

On the wind down.. FINALLY!

Hey Folks!

Finally I am on the wind down from the Prednisolone!!!

We saw my GP (DrDP) on Friday afternoon and she has given me the OKAY to start to wind down off the drugs..

However, before my appointment I popped into the Emergency Ward at the Hospital and weighed myself on the same scales I was weighed on during my admission so they would know how many mg per kg to give me of the IV Prednisolone.  

It seems I have lost 6kg somewhere in the last two weeks..  I am not sure how or why because I have been eating twice what I would normally eat.  Admittedly I have been beefing up my meals with double the vegetables so that I feel like I am actually full and that has been keeping my hunger at bay and clearly also the extra kilos I thought I would be adding to my portfolio.

DrDP was surprised when I told her that I had lost 6kg considering a side effect of the drug is to put weight on.  BONUS!

However, I have started to cut back on the drugs and today my heart has been racing like a million miles an hour, I have a bit of a case of the DT's (shakes) and I am still quite hyperactive.

I have three tablets left in my latest script and I don't particularly feel like going and getting another script filled, so I am pretty much weaning myself off with a little bit of advice from DrDP. 

This morning I took one (1) full tablet, I'll do the same tomorrow and then I'll take half a tablet on Tuesday and Wednesday and I'll be done. 

I forgot to buy ice cream today...

I was cold this morning and Bloke was sleeping in cause he's doing nights this week so I went for a drive to our local large town which is about 45min drive and I bought dog food..   It was a nice drive, got me out of the house and into the car with loud music and the heater on.  I made a phone call to one of my dearest friends and had a chat to her but then lost her when I got out of the car in the Aldi car park... I thought I was having a conversation with her, but it seems she was still talking to the car in the car park.. Sorry Miluv!!! xx

Sorry, I meandered in my thoughts then.. What did I get up to?

Right, so DrDP has said that 6kg is a good start and that if we are going to be trying for a baby I should keep going cause it will be of a benefit..  Understood DrDP! 

BUT, the million dollar question is:  Do we want to go through all of this hooharr again??   Right now, the jury is out and I guess we will just go with the flow again and see what happens.

I want ice cream now........  Dammit!

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