Saturday, May 28, 2011

Life in the burbs..

It's a beautiful sunny day here in the burbs.. 

I have my third load of washing on, cleaning the house, the mentalheads are frollicking in the backyard, the chooks are fed, the washing is gently moving in a slightly chilled breeze on the hills hoist.

I've spent some time in the garden weeding and soaking up some much needed morning Vitamin D after a week of being office bound...  Hung a bag of garden goodies and shared some of my fruit stash after a visit to the fruit and veg market yesterday on the fence pailing for my neighbours.

THEN the peace is shattered.

My wonderful kind beautiful neighbour starts listening to not only country, but western too..

She is singing "stand by your man" at full volume.... Not only once, but twice.. It must be a favorite.

I see that I have three choices: 1. Tape up the windows and vacate the house; 2. Counteract with some Aerosmith; or 3. If ya can't beat 'em join 'em.

So, because I have to suffer... You do too!

Oddly enough, it was top of the pops in the year I was born!  Now, that's a piece of useless information!

Thank you to Tammy Wynette for that toe tappin' goodness!


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