Monday, April 4, 2011

The $34 challenge!


This morning whilst looking for that elusive postage stamp in my wallet I counted the money I currently have to my name. $34!  Mostly $5 notes and a few 5c coins that I don't count.

So, I need a bit of a challenge don't I!  So, I am going to try and live on it for the next fortnight.. What will it be: epic fail or success?

To keep me on the straight and narrow I am going to blog it..  This may bore you to the point of wanting to flush your own head in the toilet and some of you may even prefer to read a Mills n Boon book (do they still exist?), however stick with me even through the boring parts!
The $34 does not include:
Fuel for car (I have a fuel card)
Alcohol (ok, ok, maybe I am stretching the friendship here)
Pet food (because their welfare comes first)
Utility bills (phone, water, electricity, council rates, gas etc)
Necessary birthday presents for friends (there is a few coming up)
Friends are not allowed to help me. 
I have to live out of my pantry and fridge/freezer.
Meals at work functions are not counted.
No unnecessary purchases of cardigans.
No Graysonline, No Ebay
Nothing for house projects
If my readers think I should be adding other rules, please feel free to comment.
Day 1 - Monday 4th April 2011
Full tank of fuel.. Not that it's included, but we'll see how long a tank of fuel lasts.
No cafe coffee this morning... *sigh* seriously, who can live on Nescafe?  I think that's going to be the worst part of this.. Nescafe at double strength might be the way to go. 
Lunch consisted of noodles out of my draw.. Normally it might be "chicken in a tin with VitaWheats".
Dinner tonight is another story!  Stay tuned!  Maybe this isn't going to be so hard after all!


  1. Ok my friend as long as "Maybe this isn't going to be so hard after all!" arent your famous last words!!!!!

    I would love to bunk in on your challenge - 2 money sucking munchkins and an urge to visit the Op shop this arvo are going to preclude me from such an event I feel.


  2. Well Nellie, let's hope they aren't my famous last words! Otherwise I'll eat my hat!

    I challenge everyone to the task.. Doesn't have to be $34 though! Glad I have your support though Petal! x

  3. I think you could make the birthday presents from things around your house!!! Or dig a plant out of your garden. You can also make cat food. Dig up some worms for the chooks. I hope you have a full pantry at the start of this. I guess you can buy a few cans of baked beans with $34. Cheers, Wendy
