Recently I've been looking at the prospect of moving to the Nation's Capital.. Mostly because I am over the traffic and I think it might be time for a change. Apparently a change is as good as a holiday.. Apparently. Whilst I love my job and I love what I do I am very much over this City!
Recently a friend pointed out to me the issue with the weather in Canberra being much colder than the climate I currently live in. Whilst I do originally come from the Coast where your undies can freeze on the Hills Hoist over night on a really cold night and the milk freezes in the cow's udders (ok, so that is a slight exaggeration), Canberra might be a slightly different story. Lord knows I've heard it can even snow there!
I will admit that there is one bonus that I've recently heard and that is that there is apparently an influx of single men in Canberra.. This could be a promising outcome of moving out of this cesspool.
I see a few solutions for the colder weather issue that I may face if/once I do move to the Nations Capital.
1. Buy a Snuggy
2. Buy an electric blanket
3. Engage someone to share body warmth
4. Don't move to Canberra, move to Cairns.
5. Buy warmer clothes
6. Install insulation: Put on more whale blubber
7. Avoidance - Get a job where I have to be overseas during the Aussie Winter months.
8. Adopt more pets. Cat's will provide a warmer environment.
9. Stop wearing undies.
10. "Suck it up Princess" and stay put.
Move!!!!!!!! Why the hell not..