A friend recently said:
"Any normal person would just go for Single Sclerosis, but of course you "had" to have more ;)"
Only the best for me! Yes, I have had a bad run, but I figure I have two options.. 1. Wallow in the shit that has gone down and become a victim.. OR 2. Take a spoonful of cement and harden the fuck up and get on with life. It could be worse, I could step out on the road and be hit by a garbage truck and be a vegetable surrounded by flies for the rest of my life.
I figure I have a second chance now. I guess I should stop mucking around and start to spend less time at work and concentrate on my personal life. Maybe it's time I got serious, finish off these house renovations and get my arse into gear.
Eventually I might need a carer, someone to wipe my bottbott. I guess if I was the victim of a garbologist I wouldn't be aware of the poor soul with the unpleasant task of changing my nappy (note to self: buy pegs and duct tape).
I have found that there is a group of MS Teamsters who meet in a neighbouring suburb. I am not sure what they do, I am not even sure if I should approach/contact them. Am I ready for that? Support units, I guess they have a purpose and it might be good to make new friends especially if they can offer some answers to the questions that are rolling around in my head.
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