Sunday, September 18, 2011

Dear Neighbour..

Dear Neighbour,

You may or may not be aware that your dog barks constantly ALL day when you are not home.  Now, I am no Caesar Milan - Dog Whisperer, but I'll hazard a few guesses as to why he/she is barking;

  • Classic case of separation anxiety
  • He/She could just be hungry
  • Was a politician in a previous life
  • Has something to say and the WHOLE WORLD needs to know about it
  • Likes to sing doggy tunes to other doggies
  • Is trying to chat up the neighbours dog cause "he/she sounds cute"
  • Trying out for "Australia's Got Talent"
  • Is loud n' proud
To those of us that are stay at home mum's, shift workers, or just plain lazy bums that live near you, this is exceptionally annoying and enough to drive a person mentally insane and start to lick windows and/or strangers in the street.  However, I do understand that it is not his/her fault that he/she misses his/her owners.

For the purpose of the rest of this letter I will now refer to your dog as "Rowdy" mostly because I do not know if it is a him or her and "Rowdy" is appropriate and easy to write when referring to your dog.

Whilst I have not made a formal complaint to the Council I can tell you we, as your neighbours, are not far off it.

To put it bluntly, "Rowdy" is a nuisance and "Rowdy's" constant incessant non stop irritating barking is driving us all around the bend.

Frankly, I am sick of having to leave my own home for peace and quiet and I can't afford to go shopping all the time just to get away from the barking - my credit card just can't take the pressure and I am well over going to the movies or the pub, mostly because I am sick of being picked up by unsavory drunken locals that look as though they could do with a good bath in a metric tonne of Dettol, especially considering I am too old and hitched.  However, on that note you really should check out the local Pub, it's new and improved and they have a good steak deal on Tuesday night or keep an eye out for a shop a docket which gets you your second meal for only $5!!!  However, please take "Rowdy" with you so we don't have to listen to the barking.

I am not sure what you can do with "Rowdy's" barking, but FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, please try!

Lots of love
