Sunday, June 19, 2011


What makes a home? Is it a town? A person? A structure? A sense of belonging?  Only an individual can decide that.

One minute you think you know where you are.  You think you know where home is. You think you know where you belong.

But then something happens in your life and you realise that all along you really were lost.  Home isn't where or who you thought it was.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

BMXin' in the Burbs

Watch this link:

Now that you have watched this link, read the following emails between friends:

From: Sal
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2011 4:14 PM
To: Brains Trust

I got vertigo just watching this.
From: Brains Trust
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2011 4:29 PM
To: Sal
Subject: RE:

Awesome! Beats the little jumps we used to do on the BMX!

From: Sal
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2011 4:59 PM
To: Brains Trust
Subject: RE:

We could set up something like that around your house BT.. Your yard is much bigger than mine, plus you have a pool for soft landing, although you do have more trees..

It would be too hard at mine, seeing as you’d have to manoeuvre around the chook yard, veggie patch, hills hoist and over the colour bond fence I between me and the neighbours. Please refer to attached image including use of council land (frankly I am not sure they are gunna love the idea so we better keep it on the down low sista).
For authenticity we’ll need to borrow a neighbour’s dog, webcam duct taped to a spare helmet and use barrier tape to mark out the route.

Whadda ya think?

p.s… Clearly I need to go home.. I am delirious and doped up on lurgy drugs.
p.p.s. Definition of Lurgy: “A fictitious, yet highly infectious disease, sometimes presenting with flu like symptoms”.
From: Brains Trust
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2011 5:02 PM
To: Sal
Subject: RE:

Hi Sal

Good attempt, however my preferred course would involve dodgy planks of wood from house to house so that the course could be completed off the ground, as long as they get a good speed up. We could throw the chooks as the riders pass for a bit of a distraction, and possibly hire some yobs to cheers as they ride past.

(Ps – who was visiting that day? Hmm?)
From: Sal
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2011 5:13 PM
To: Brains Trust
Subject: RE:

The dodgy planks of wood are doable.. I have a pile of 20yr old fence palings (I made the chook nesting box out of them) so we could use them as ramps.. sadly I didn’t have time to factor those into the authentic depiction that I attached.

To get even better speed we might wanna wear capes and put spoilers on our bikes.. They must STILL have streamers coming from the handlebars as well as playing cards in the spokes for optimum performance and noise.

Who was visiting? Doesn’t look like anyone was home that day, the neighbours have got the Honda blocking the XR8 in the driveway which is blocking in the Harley in the garage and the XR6 ute parked across the road and the Commodore on the front lawn. Ok, so full house next door… No cars at our place… Sounds like something out of "The Castle".

NOTE: No animals were harmed in the making of this plan.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Dear Barry...


In relation to your current budget, we'd like to show you that we really are serious about keeping it all hunkydory in our department.

Please find attached just one thing we are doing to "keep it real".

Much love.

I maded you a hot chocolate but I dranked it...

Wave at the bus......

What can I say?  Some people are just ingenious!

If only I had a bus route go past my house!

What is your favorite outfit?  Personally I like Day 160 mostly because it's just disturbing...